

* Re “County Should Buy Its Own SuperScoopers,” June 18.

I would like to add my voice to Tony Morris’ call to not only use the leased SuperScooper more efficiently but, because we live in the middle of a fire zone, it makes perfect sense for Los Angeles County to own one for itself. It is irresponsible for city and county government not to find the way to purchase one. I would donate $100 to the county for that purpose if my fellow residents would consider the same. We could purchase a fleet of SuperScoopers; heaven knows we can use them, and when we don’t, we can lease them to those in need.

Now, since we are facing a very serious fire season, I would like to make a suggestion as to how we can use the SuperScooper to which we have access: Using satellite technology, let’s scan the county, identify those areas most at risk of fire and perform preventive drops of water every so often. In my opinion, not only will it keep the ground damp, thus making it more difficult to burn, but whatever vegetation grows as a result will be green and will not burn. Why not do this through the fire season?


Woodland Hills
