
1 Killed, 2 Seriously Hurt in Car Accidents

A 39-year-old man was critically injured when he lost control of his car, which jumped a curb and crashed at about 50 mph into a printing office in Huntington Beach Friday morning.

Firefighters used a hydraulic cutting device to free the man from the wreckage, Police Lt. Luis Ochoa said.

The driver was taken by helicopter to UCI Medical Center in Orange, where he was being treated for internal injuries, compound leg fractures and a broken arm, the lieutenant said. His name was not released.


Two hours later in Cypress, Arnold Patterson, 81, of that city was fatally injured when his car collided with another at Orange and Bloomfield avenues, Police Sgt. Jim Olson said.

The driver of the other car, whose name was not released, had minor injuries.

It appeared one of the drivers ran a red light, police said. Police are investigating.

In a third accident , an 83-year-old man driving on Talavera Drive in Laguna Niguel suffered pelvis fractures and a punctured lung when he ran a stop sign and his car was broadsided, Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Larry Abbott said. He was in serious condition.

The man was making a left turn to Pacific Island Drive when he was struck by a woman driving westbound on Pacific Island with her three children, Abbott said.
