
A Hotel Web Site That Really Clicks

With a few clicks of the mouse any time of day, Internet users can book any of about 11,500 hotels and bed-and-breakfast inns worldwide through a new Web site put up by the American Hotel & Motel Assn. The trade group, which represents about 11,000 lodgings, includes nonmembers as well as members on the site, a spokeswoman said. It lists about 6,500 U.S. lodgings and 5,000 foreign ones.

The site,, has its limitations. One is that it shows only places that can be booked online, so it is far from complete. For Santa Barbara, for instance, it lists 11 places, including two B&Bs; the AAA TourBook lists nearly 50. But the site is easy to use and links quickly to the home pages of the hotels. It also links to sites with weather and transportation information.
