
But Thanks for Forgetting Long Beach, the Valley

On behalf of all Long Beach residents who savor the dining experience, I want to thank you for excluding our wonderful city from your list of 75 Southern California establishments that supposedly represent what “food lovers” crave.

Why would any restaurateur in our hidden metropolis want unnecessary attention brought to himself, which might create longer waits for tables from pretentious visitors to the north and south?

Take heart, proprietors of L’Opera, 555 East, Lasher’s, Shenandoah Cafe, Johnny Rebs’, Cha Cha Cha, Sir Winston’s, to name a few. We have supported you in the past and will continue to do so.


Dan Lipton

Long Beach


As a resident of Studio City, I looked through the restaurant guide for places in the San Fernando Valley and found only three out of the 75 restaurants listed. These three featured sausage, chili and tap dancing. Is this supposed to be a joke? Or did the writers avoid that part of town? If it’s the latter, why didn’t the article indicate that it applied only to the L.A. basin and eastern suburbs?

Robert Chambers

Via the Internet
