
Teen Programs Get a $100,000 Boost

Moorpark teenagers were the biggest winners when the City Council decided how to spend money remaining from an $800,000 budget surplus that resulted from a state bookkeeping error.

After slashing a park assessment fee by $10 and earmarking the surplus for other expenses, the council decided Wednesday night to spend $100,000 on programs for local teens.

The teen program would be run with help from the Moorpark Boys & Girls Club and the school district. The program would include a part-time teen coordinator, an after-school program at Mesa Verde Middle School, more Friday and Saturday late night activities, field trips, job fairs and workshops.


“I am confident that we will receive a quality program at the middle school, one that will serve a greater population and be cost effective,” Councilman Chris Evans said.

About $36,000 would be used to pay the part-time teen coordinator. City officials are waiting to see what the curriculum will be before hiring someone for the job.
