
911 Gets $800,000 in Improvements

Those who call Ventura’s 911 center may not notice any difference, but $800,000 worth of improvements are expected to make life easier for the center’s dispatchers.

The center, which fields 300 to 1,000 calls each day, has a new computer system that streamlines the process. Later this summer, the center will receive computerized switchboards, new radio equipment and a system that cross-references crime statistics.

When everything is installed by the end of the year, dispatchers will have more information at their fingertips more quickly. They will be able to juggle more calls, and police will be better able to track crime trends in the city.


The system can sort information and allow dispatchers to direct emergency personnel to a location while the caller is still answering questions.

“It speeds up the process,” said Phil McCormick, the center’s communications manager. “It gives you clues and helps you make the right decision.”
