
Rocketdyne Cleanup

* Re “Widespread Use of Radioactive Scrap Assailed,” June 12.

At Rocketdyne, protecting the environment and the health of our employees and neighbors is our highest priority. This commitment extends to the way we conduct our operations as well as to how we clean up and dispose of the residual materials from our activities.

A recent Times story examined the current policy debate over regulatory standards in cleanup of nuclear sites. Against this backdrop, the article raised questions about how Rocketdyne is conducting radiation cleanup at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Rocketdyne is taking the responsible course of action by cleaning up the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in a safe and timely manner.


As a part of the cleanup, a certain amount of debris, scrap, soil and other materials must be removed for safe disposal. We ship materials that contain radioactive contamination to appropriate, government-approved disposal sites. Other materials go to appropriate disposal or recycling facilities.

Numerous government and independent agencies oversee and verify this work. The government has established standards and regulations designed to protect public health. We rigorously follow those regulations.

While the national policy debate over “how clean is clean” runs its course, Rocketdyne will continue with the safe and timely environmental cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. We will continue to follow all governmental regulations that guide the cleanup and that protect public health. Regulations may change over time, but we will not compromise on our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and the community.




Safety, Health and Environmental

Affairs Division Director
