
Why Can’t This Meet Get Back on Track?

Mike Penner talks of the poor attendance at the L.A. Invitational indoor meet and places much of the blame on the dearth of local publicity.

All he has to do is take a good hard look at his boss. Since Bill Dwyre has been sports editor at The Times, track & field has taken a nose dive in this area. Coincidence?

You can bet your bottom dollar that if Notre Dame had sent a contingent of athletes to the Invitational, The Times would have given it tons of ink.



Silver Lake


The 40th Annual L.A. Invitational Track Meet had many thrilling moments; however, one would never know it by reading The Times article.

It was a great meet, continuing L.A.’s tradition, after the Millrose Games, as the second-longest running indoor meet in America. Unfortunately, The Times reported a text-only article on page D11 that was 80% devoted to a rabbit(?), Lagat not posting a world-best mile time (not a given at any meet), and the track surface (even though Lagat bettered his winning time of last year with a sub-4-minute mile).

No wonder track is struggling when the major daily all but ignores the meet in the week leading to it, and then reports like this. If any mark was missed Saturday night, it was in the copy room, not on the track.



