

City officials said they will begin searching for a new police chief in the next four weeks. The process has been delayed while city officials review the equipment and salaries of the Police Department. Council members have asked for Chief Daryll Thomann’s recommendation on the qualities needed to do the job before he retires April 3. Thomann’s replacement will be chosen by City Administrator Bob D’Amato. City Council members may make suggestions, but the administrator has final say. At least two City Council members said they support amending the city charter to give the council more accountability over the hiring of the police chief and other high city staff positions. Councilman Norman Z. Eckenrode said he would support taking the charter amendment issue to the voters, as Councilwoman Maria Moreno suggested when the matter of hiring a police chief arose. “The charter needs some revisions,” Eckenrode said. “It’s around 30 years old.”
