
Amnesty Proposal

The proposal to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants by the AFL-CIO would end all attempts to enforce our immigration policy (Feb. 17). We might as well put up a big sign at the border welcoming all who are willing to work cheap to come on over. The first amnesty, in 1986, in which 3.1 million illegal immigrants were given amnesty, failed to stop the flow and another amnesty would start a stampede of low-paid workers from every part of the world. It would put illegal immigrants in legal competition for jobs and create a threat to our nation’s sovereignty.


San Diego


The robber barons aren’t only in international industries. They’re also at the head of labor unions.

Seeing all the factories moving overseas, the big labor bosses realize they need to shore up their membership or the bosses will be out of cushy positions. “What to do? Hmm. I know, let’s rope in the illegal aliens who are working in the service industries that can’t move overseas.” One more screw in the coffin of America.



Costa Mesa
