
Burbank Airport Expansion

Re “Impasse Not Terminal,” Valley Edition editorials, Feb. 13.

The Times continues its “divide and conquer” strategy in promoting the expansion of Burbank Airport by stating that there are die-hards on both sides who want to see the airport closed completely, or expanded without limits. Ignored are the many of us in the middle who would like to see a new terminal, if proper safeguards such as a curfew and a reasonable limit on the number of passengers and flights can be put into effect.

While The Times seeks to portray itself as a moderate voice in this matter, it is far from that. Has The Times ever endorsed the idea of even trying to obtain any limits on passengers and flights? On the issue of a curfew, or nighttime closure of the terminal, has The Times ever really come out on the side of affected residents?

When will The Times back a responsible solution to our regional air transportation needs and get over the idea that the Burbank Airport is the answer?



