
Fire Ant Eradication Campaign Established

A new campaign to eradicate invading red fire ants will rely in part on help from residents armed with potato chips, cotton swabs, dish soap and plastic bags, say to county officials who hope to exploit the insect’s voracious appetite.

The fire ant, which now is found in 23 of the county’s 33 cities and is threatening Southern California agribusiness, must be stopped, officials said.

Residents who believe they have the red ants on their property are asked to put out potato chips as a lure. Those who want to have ants tested should moisten a swab with dish soap, which acts as a killing agent, rub the tip on an ant and then place the ant in a bag.


It then can be mailed to the newly formed Orange County Fire Ant Authority, which will determine if it is a red fire ant. Field inspectors will spread a bait designed to eradicate any local infestations that are discovered.

In addition, the authority--supported through June 2001 by $5.9 million in county and state funds--will store the information in a database and notify residents where the ants are present.
