
Fish Report



CASTAIC LAKE--The action has vastly improved for striped bass and largemouth bass. Bob Hanley, Westchester, 16- and 15-pound stripers on homemade lures. Eric Stepanek, Castaic, 15- and 14-pound stripers on Stocker Trout. Local anglers Pat Buckley and Steve Glogow, 15 largemouth bass to 8 1/2 pounds using mostly crawdads. Buckley later caught an 8-14 largemouth bass. The trout bite is fair too.

PYRAMID LAKE--Largemouth and smallmouth bass are moving up and biting nicely on night crawlers, plastic worms and crankbaits. Trout anglers are scoring good numbers on Power Bait and red worms. Striped bass are teasing anglers by breaking the surface at the dam, but they’re not biting--yet.


SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--The new lightning trout are a huge hit. James Anderson, La Puente, caught four small ones and added a 10-8 rainbow to fill out his stringer. He used chartreuse Power Bait and mini-jigs.


IRVINE LAKE--The lake is still trying to play up the low water level as a boon to anglers, as the trout have fewer places to hide. While this may be true, anglers would undoubtedly prefer a full lake, especially with bass season at hand. The lake promises a water delivery next month. Meanwhile, the trout bite is good at the west shore.

LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Trout fishing has slowed along the shore, where rain clouded the water somewhat, while it remained good in the middle of the lake. Mini-jigs and inflated night crawlers are taking the bigger fish. Meanwhile, catfish like the murky water. It has been a good week for fish running 2-10 pounds.

OSO RESERVOIR--Bass fishing improved dramatically as fish to about five pounds are striking plastic worms and spinnerbaits cast close to cover. A few anglers caught and released more than 50 fish in a day. Advance reservations are required. Details: (949) 858-9313.



LAKE PIRU--Trout fishermen are doing well in the marina area using mostly yellow Power Bait. Trollers are doing OK with fire-tiger Needlefish. Bass are starting to stir and are holding off points.

LAKE CASITAS--The bigger bass, which had been moving up, seemed to have gone back to deeper water. Trout action is good for those using Power Bait and night crawlers. Lots of limits.


LAKE CACHUMA--The trout bite remains the best bet, with fish to about five pounds biting on night crawlers and Power Bait. A few bass were caught on plastic worms, an indication that the fish are moving up.



JESS RANCH LAKES--Trout fishermen are averaging about three pan-sized fish a day using night crawlers and Power Bait.


CORONA LAKE--The early-week rain, which slowed the bite somewhat, didn’t stop Ron Barnett, Menifee, from catching an 11-1 rainbow, on Capt. America Power Bait. Lightning trout will be stocked here March 3.

LAKE PERRIS--Bob Copple, Rancho Cucamonga, 11-2 and 10-pound bass, on a Bass Trix swim-bait at the east end. Mike Gash, Silverado, 11-4 bass, on a swim-bait. The action on the smaller bass is excellent on crawdads and waterdogs. Trout action is fair.

LAKE SKINNER--Striped bass are active in mornings and those using live shad and swim-baits are getting some. Largemouth bass activity has picked up too. Some trout.


LAKE POWAY--A 7-pound bass caught on a swim-bait tops the list. The bass are moving into shallower water, which is a good sign. They prefer live baits such as crawdads and shiners. Trout are still active and a lunker or two are coming up daily. A 6-12 was caught on a mini-jig.

SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--A 10-4 bass was caught on a pig-n-jig at Lower Otay, where the bite is vastly improved. A 9-4 was caught on a plastic worm at San Vicente. Not much happening elsewhere.


LAKE CUYAMACA--Trout action has slowed, but some anglers are getting limits using Sierra Gold, night crawlers and Power Bait. A dry fly bite is happening for waders using small black matukas and hare’s ears on floating lines.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

REDONDO BEACH--26 anglers (2 boats): 260 sculpin, 9 sand bass, 1 sole, 1 cabezon.

SAN PEDRO (22nd St. Landing)--9 anglers (1 boat): 1,155 sand dabs, 1 sole.

SEAL BEACH--8 anglers (1 boat): 10 sand bass, 50 halibut (42 released).

DANA WHARF--18 anglers (1 boat): 1 calico bass, 23 sand bass, 1 sculpin, 2 sheephead.

OCEANSIDE--12 anglers (1 boat): 4 calico bass, 31 sand bass, 15 sculpin.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--36 anglers (2 boats): 16 yellowtail, 19 sand bass, 68 sculpin, 1 whitefish.


LOS ANGELES--Big Rock Creek, Castaic Lake, Castaic Lagoon, Cuddy Creek Pond, Elizabeth Lake, Hansen Dam Reservoir, Little Rock Reservoir, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat), Pyramid Lake. RIVERSIDE--Cahuilla Park Lake, Evans Lake, Rancho Jurupa Park Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Mojave Narrows Park Lake, Seccombe Park Lake, Yucaipa Park Lake. SAN DIEGO--Chollas Park Lake, Lake Cuyamaca, Doane Pond, Lindo Lake, Morena Lake, Lake Murray. VENTURA--Lake Casitas, Lake Piru, Rancho Simi Park Lake, Reyes Creek, Rose Valley Lake. SANTA BARBARA--Santa Ynez River. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Atascadero Lake, Lopez Lake, Santa Margarita Lake.

--Compiled by PETE THOMAS
