
Pupil Helps Launch Reading Council

Local fourth-grader Jamie Hendry represented Ventura County as a “reading ambassador” at a recent state meeting to promote reading.

The READ California All-Kids Council, a.k.a. the California Page Flippers, convened for the first time last week to discuss their roles as reading ambassadors for students statewide.

“I think reading is important because it teaches you things about friendship, the past and other information,” Jamie said. “What I enjoy most about it is that it’s fun.”


During the meeting, the children discussed their favorite books, reading difficulties and new ways to motivate kids to read more often. The group suggested movie days and pizza parties as rewards.

The group will hold a book drive in March in local communities to raise reading awareness. Each student member will be responsible for helping to organize the drive. Donated books will be given to local charities.

Students will also review one book a month on an Internet site. To read the California Page Flippers book reviews, go to


The READ California program is designed to encourage children to read. It is a result of Gov. Gray Davis’ Special Legislation Session on Education. For more information on the program, call (916) 323-0611.
