
Four McDonald’s Drive-Thrus Will Test-Drive the Fast Lane

Greg Hernandez covers the restaurant industry for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-5989 and at [email protected]

McDonald’s is trying to make fast food even faster.

Next month, the world’s largest burger chain will use four Orange County restaurants as a testing ground for a program that will allow toll-road commuters to pay for their meals electronically.

Commuters can use their dashboard-mounted tollway transponders, operated by radio frequency, to charge food purchased at the drive-thru window.

“McDonald’s is focusing on providing quick and efficient services and leveraging technology in doing so,” said Antonio Hernandez, spokesman for McDonald’s USA West division in Irvine.


The test restaurants will be in Costa Mesa, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita. The cities were chosen because they have the highest number of transponder users in the area.

The pilot program is scheduled to run 60 days, Hernandez said.
