
Laker part-owner Magic Johnson, linked recently in...

Laker part-owner Magic Johnson, linked recently in published reports to possible job openings with the Clippers and Dallas Mavericks, says he hasn’t been contacted by anyone--but would be interested if he had control of the basketball operation.

“Only way you can consider anything like this is, you have to have control,” Johnson said. “Without that, you don’t do anything because what’s been going on before, whether it’s the Clippers or the Mavericks or whoever, it’s going to go on, even with me being there, unless you’ve got control . . .

“I would love to be involved in the game. I’d love the coaching side of it. I’d love to be a GM. But you’ve got to have it, where you can put your own team together. . . . I want you to hold me accountable. I don’t want it to be somebody else. You, the media, the fans, everybody. I can handle that.”
