
Compton Lawsuit

* Ron Hill (letter, Feb. 5) rightly emphasizes the importance of writing to the success of a college student; however, he misunderstands the intent and focus of the lawsuit by parents in the Compton Unified School District over the recently instituted matrix system. Although Hill calls it “a system of writing across the curriculum,” this does not describe the matrix system. This is not what is intended to be covered by our lawsuit. The matrix system consists of standardized testing and grading.

The teacher’s authority has been undermined: No longer will the grade of the teacher determine a student’s final grade; now, the administration has a 60% determination in the final grade. The student will have no incentive to do well in any class, because his overall grade will not be a result of his class activities. The matrix system is illegal according to the Education Code of California. Neither the students, parents, teachers, nor the public has been permitted to study and remark over this new system.


Member, Advisory Board

of Trustees, CUSD
