
41st Assembly District

As a Democrat excited about moderate Republican Jayne Murphy Shapiro’s candidacy for the 41st Assembly District, I was disappointed by your blatantly partisan coverage in “Primary Pits Money Against Local Appeal,” Feb. 7. By showing pictures and capsule summaries only of Democrats, you did a disservice to the voters in the 41st District, who fortunately have several fine candidates for whom they can vote.

For the first time, California has an open primary where we can vote for the candidate of our choice regardless of party. In my opinion, that makes every candidate equal and important. I think most voters agree with me, regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum. Jayne is the kind of Republican that Democrats can support. Next time, I think we, your readers, deserve to see all candidates’ pictures in the paper and a little more about who they are, why they are running, and where they stand on the issues. That’s only fair and responsible.


