
Mikels, LAFCO and Farmland

The Feb. 2 Local Agency Formation Commission hearing on Santa Paula’s expansion was a sad example of callous disregard for common sense, integrity and credibility as shown by [Ventura County Supervisor and LAFCO member] Judy Mikels.

After an emotional story about her grandmother’s mandate that agriculture must be preserved no matter what, Mikels strongly insisted that she “would not put pressure on agriculture” and that “ag land is out of the question.”

Then, in a stunning display of contradiction, Mikels put forth a motion to include for development 125 acres of agricultural land! And not just any agriculture. As she had been instructed both in written and verbal testimony, this vaguely named “West Side 2” land is considered “prime agriculture” by state standards and is irreplaceable.


Other agriculture, ultimately more than the 125 acres, is also at risk thanks to her vote. She was given substantial evidence that development in Adams Canyon would cause the removal of even more trees due to invasion by roads, channelization of the Adams Barranca, fire stations and the like. In addition, testimony on the destructive effects that pollutants have on agricultural production was given, but evidently was regarded as unimportant by Mikels.

It’s all too self-contradicting and confusing for words, or perhaps she didn’t understand what she was doing. Grandma certainly wouldn’t be proud.


Santa Paula


Re “Mikels Assails McClintock on Spending,” Feb. 5.

How very hypocritical of Judy Mikels to criticize [Assemblyman Tom] McClintock!

Her own extremely hypocritical behavior in the LAFCO hearing was especially shocking. “I will not put pressure on agriculture,” she swore during the hearing on Santa Paula’s misguided request for expansion. Then there was “Ag land is out of the question,” said loudly enough for everyone to hear.


Then, strangely, as though the earlier statements were out of someone else’s mouth, Mikels very calmly made a rehearsed-sounding motion and voted to include for ultimate removal a lot of the best agricultural land in Ventura County!

Now, how could one’s gushy, sticky passion for agriculture disappear so quickly? It can’t be that she didn’t know what she was doing; plenty of written and verbal testimony on the subject had been given. Possibly, she only considers land to be agricultural when it is in neat thousand-acre parcels like in Kansas.

No, I don’t think this behavior makes her a worthy candidate for the California Senate, but if someone ever needs a poster girl for hypocrisy, she would be great.



Santa Paula
