

The City Council will consider drafting a resolution at tonight’s meeting that supports Measure F, an initiative on the March 7 ballot aimed at keeping commercial aircraft from touching ground at El Toro.

If passed, Measure F will require a two-thirds approval by voters to build or expand any jails, hazardous-waste landfills and airport projects in Orange County. Dana Point officials--a charter member of a coalition of eight South County cities opposing the airport--have been very outspoken about its support of Measure F since the initiative was placed on the March ballot. Councilman Harold Kaufman said flight patterns from the former air base would run directly over Dana Point, creating a constant nuisance for residents.

“The landing patterns would be right over San Clemente, Dana Point and Monarch Beach,” he said. “[Incoming planes] using two runways would come up from San Clemente and straighten out and go toward the airport at Monarch Beach.”
