
City to Identify Revenue Breakdown

In a move that will help the study of San Fernando Valley cityhood, the Los Angeles City Council agreed Friday to begin identifying which portion of the city’s tax revenue and fees comes from the Valley as well as other areas of Los Angeles.

The council directed the city administrative officer to apply geographic codes to revenue sources, which will allow Los Angeles to identify how much money comes from each census tract.

Councilman Mike Feuer said a geographic breakdown of revenue sources would probably be requested by the Local Agency Formation Commission as part of its study to determine the financial viability of breaking up the city.


Councilman Nate Holden cast the lone vote against the plan, saying it would further divide the city.

“If it’s going to be one city, you can’t turn one community against another and have them say we are paying more, so we should get more,” Holden told his colleagues.
