
Group Intends to Purchase Meadow

The Ojai Land Conservancy plans to raise $600,000 to buy 25 acres of meadow in Meiners Oaks.

Besant Meadows is east of Lomita Avenue between Meiners Oaks Elementary School and the Ranch House Restaurant.

If the nonprofit conservancy can purchase the land, it will include it as part of the adjacent Ojai Meadows preserve. The purchase would increase the preserve to 57 acres.


The purchase price for Besant Meadows is $440,000, but Jim Engel, executive director of the land conservancy, said the group wants to raise an additional $160,000 for maintenance.

The fund-raising campaign will officially begin with a ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 26 at Besant Meadows. The public is welcome to attend, and members of the conservancy will elaborate on plans for acquiring the property, in addition to making other announcements.

Engel said the public perceives the area as one meadow although the two properties have always had separate owners. He said most people are not aware that the row of eucalyptus trees dividing the parcels is part of the Besant Meadows property.


“This next acquisition will protect the eucalyptus grove,” he said.
