
Natty Men Are Rejecting Limited Fashion Rules

Associated Press

Just as women rejected one--and only one--fashionable skirt length, men are staging a revolution against single-length pants, according to the 10th annual Fashion Futures survey of the National Assn. of Men’s Sportswear Buyers.

Men are wearing a variety of pant lengths, the survey said, including trim above-the-ankle cuffs (often called high waders or flood pants), traditional shoe-top cuffs, low-hanging baggies and warm-weather bottoms that end anywhere from midcalf to above the knee.

The survey is a projection of what American men will want to buy and wear this year. Several hundred retailers and educators participated. Other trends named in the Fashion Futures 2000 report:


* The No. 1 accessory: In one blinding season of designer showings, the shoulder bag has gone from a practical solution to an almost universal fashion statement.

* The minimal top: Just as the minimal movement has shortened pants, it has also removed sleeves and collars from jackets and shirts in some designer collections.

* The pullover: Minimalism and simplicity of design lead to the elimination of various details, including the zipper or button closure. Many items that would otherwise have been jackets, shirts or vests will instead come into the world as pullovers.


* The topper: The new topper is shorter, lighter in weight and construction, often more colorful and generally less “serious.” It is an all-purpose outer garment for 2000.

* Sheer fashion: The see-through shirt is a predictable bestseller with the fitness crowd.

* High-tech: fabric Technology has produced stretch, glitter, water resistance, breathability, wicking and other practical benefits. The latest are paperweight blends, the lightest fabrics around, and to make the point, designers have added crinkle effects.

* Showpiece shirt: In the midst of a trend toward minimalism, the showpiece shirt is one example of a countertrend. The most attractive is the printed shirt with border design, an idea that suggests a strong Asian influence.
