
RSM McGladrey Names Love to Director Post

Charles Love has joined RSM McGladrey Inc. as business development director and will work with the San Bernardino, Anaheim and Pasadena offices. He was formerly manager of business development for United Bookkeeping in Corona and Western regional manager for Tymshare/Unitax.

* Dorothy Zink has been appointed president of Safe Harbor Exchange Inc. in Huntington Beach. She had been manager of Mid-Exchange Inc. in Santa Ana for seven years.

* Michael E. Donner has been named to the newly created position of director of marketing and communications for Nexgenix Inc. in Irvine. He was formerly corporate director of communications and marketing services for Solectron Corp. in Silicon Valley.


* Bill Hampton has joined Allegiance Telecom Inc. in Newport Beach as city vice president in charge of sales for the Orange County area. He was formerly district manager for Global Crossing Ltd., and held sales and sales management positions at Metropolitan Fiber Systems and Sprint.
