
Clinton Eases Computer Export Controls

Bloomberg News

President Clinton relaxed U.S. controls on the export of high-powered computers and called on Congress to shorten the six-month period companies must wait for the looser rules to take effect. But the administration disappointed companies such as Intel and Compaq Computer by rejecting their calls to ease controls enough to allow unrestricted sales of a new high-powered Intel microchip to Russia, China, Pakistan and other countries considered security risks.

Export controls are set by computing speed, which is measured in so-called multiple theoretical operations per second, or Mtops. Computer companies say technology quickly outpaces Mtop limits, making it an outdated control-setting method. The administration raised export limits to 12,500 Mtops from the 6,500 limit set in ’99.

The administration must balance computer companies’ need to sell overseas with U.S. concerns that the technology could be used by terrorists.
