
Obituaries - Dec. 21, 2000

Crawford, Charles Leroy, 79, of Canyon Country, plumber. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Granger, Anthony Rodger, 69, of Arleta, executive for Anheuser Busch. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

JarJour Nazira, 88, of Glendale, homemaker. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Montero, Severiano G., 79, formerly of Burbank, machine operator. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Scott, Dana Warren, 75, of Burbank, business consultant. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Svetinsky, Miro J. Sr., 55, of Encino, baker. Pierce Bros. Valhalla Mortuary, North Hollywood.


Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
