
Itinerary: Bah Humbug


Listen up all ye little Scrooges and Scroogettes. Tired of obligatory gift-giving and handing out bonuses to undeserving employees? Dreading the thought of Aunt Olive’s marshmallow lime whipped cream dessert at yet another seasonal gathering of family and friends? Or maybe you don’t have friends and family and would rather just forget about the whole rah-rah jingle-bell time altogether.

So, take a break this weekend and treat yourself. Yeah, you. Turn off the cell phone, park the kids with the spouse, hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your front door. If you have money, buy yourself something fabulous. If you’re broke, give yourself the gift of time. Do something in that time that you’ve always been too busy to do. Don’t tell anyone about your present to yourself, though. Friends and family can be so judgmental this time of year.


Redo you. On the second floor at Yuki Sharoni Beauty and Lifestyle (9960 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, [310] 282-5440), facial specialist Susan Ciminelli (from New York City and the Hamptons, dahling) will work her Reiki ancient treatment magic using natural oils, crystals and shiatsu. Yummy natural soups and sandwiches are available from Hollywood’s happening lunch place, Ammo. Then, a new do from Yuki himself in his colorful, modern first-floor hair salon. Yuki has a lot of celebrity clients, but he most recently achieved notoriety for softening Linda Tripp’s looks. He’s very good.


Watch the sunset from the Stone Canyon Reservoir near Bel-Air and Beverly Glen. Park on Beverly Glen Place (off Beverly Glen Boulevard) and walk west up the first little residential street to the top of the hill. The path is to the left after the pavement ends. Stop for a moment and walk the stone meditation circle so thoughtfully constructed by some of the women in the neighborhood. Proceed to the top of the hill, where the huge blue reservoir sits like a hidden jewel.


Wake up without an alarm and spend the morning lingering over coffee and brioche and a copy of “The Houses of Los Cabos” (distributed by Sunbelt Publications). This sumptuous coffee-table book is full of Rigoberto Moreno’s vivid photography of modern and traditional residences in Baja California. The text is comfortably descriptive and transports the reader from a foggy L.A. morning to sun-drenched Mexican homes on high ocean cliffs.

In the afternoon, mosey up to Descanso Gardens (1418 Descanso Drive, La Can~ada Flintridge, [818] 952-4401, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $5 adults, $3 students and seniors, $1 children 5 and older). The Boddy House has been decorated for the holidays by interior designers. Walk at your leisure or treat yourself to a $2 tram ride. There is no tea service in the Japanese tearoom this time of year, but just sitting in it and meditating is good for anyone’s soul.



If you’ve ever promised yourself that you’d listen to a composer’s entire body of work, now’s the time to do it. Pack up the new 23-CD set of Hayden’s String Quartets played by the Kadoly String Quartet (Naxos Records, $169) and drive to Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa (2500 Glen Ivy Road, Corona, 16 and older, $29, [888] CLUBMUD). The spa is in the midst of flora and fauna and features 15 pools (champagne, clay, mineral), steam rooms, massage. Lunch is available at the poolside cafe and bar.

By the time you’re done pampering yourself and back home, you’ll have listened to seven of the Hayden CDs. Stay up all night Christmas Eve and listen to the rest. You’ll emerge on Monday morning a Hayden expert. This can be very useful when Uncle Ray asks what you’ve been up to.
