
Lauralee Bell

* The actress has been on “The Young and the Restless” since 1983 and runs the boutique called On Beverly Boulevard.

Red Booths: My husband and I are always attracted to red leather booths. I think after a long workweek, that signifies a comfortable feeling. We’re usually by far the youngest people at these places, but we’ll go to Dan Tana’s on Santa Monica Boulevard or Matteo’s in Westwood.

Work Party: Saturday is an amazing day to be in the store, when the pulse of the store starts to really kick in. It’s the day where people are bringing in actors, and it’s a big shopping day, and the best of our staff is there. So it’s a fun day to stop and witness this girl party.


Shopping Hour: I’m a big Montana Avenue girl. My favorite store on the street is Room With a View. It has everything from linens to silverware, and upstairs there’s a baby section. It’s the kind of store where you walk in and if it’s your kind of store you become kind of hypnotized by it. There’s a lot of turnover, so if you go in every few weeks there’s all new stuff. Girly stuff. It’s a chick store.

Hot Food Spots: I don’t see myself as a follower, but as soon as I hear of a new place, I’m right there. I look in the magazines to see what’s new. I did the club thing before I got married, but now we have a group of friends who meet for dinner. Eurochow in Westwood is one place. It’s neat to see how Westwood is transforming, and the W hotel is becoming the scene. We’ll also go to the Little Door on 3rd Street. If we want to take a drive, we go to the Nobu in Malibu. I’m a planner and always make a reservation wherever a few weeks in advance.

Day of Rest . . . and More Shopping: If I do anything on Sunday, it’s just throw on sweats and go to the farmers market in Beverly Hills. It’s fun to walk around there and see people with the strollers and get samples. I cook during the week and the market has amazing fresh vegetables and fruits. I also love to grab some sunflowers.
