
Opportunities for Volunteering

The Assistance League of Southern California needs docents to give tours at Design House, an estate in Hollywood open to the public Sept. 26-Oct. 29. Training will be provided Sept. 20 at 9:30 a.m. at the house. For more information, call (323) 469-1973, Ext. 417.

The Placerita Canyon Nature Center needs docents to teach children about nature. Ten weeks of training on Tuesdays and Thursdays starts Sept. 12. Call (661) 259-7721 or visit the Web site at

The Volunteers for Seniors program is seeking volunteers for Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank and Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills. Participants take seniors to the doctor, run errands for them and visit them. Call Debby McDonald at (818) 953-4487.


The Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging in Reseda needs volunteers to help residents with recreational activities, teach them arts and crafts, read them books and letters and provide companionship. Call Linda Spitz at (818) 757-4442.

The Pacoima Chamber of Commerce is seeking volunteers to organize the annual Christmas Parade, serving on the following committees: judges, post-parade, promotion, logistics and recreation. Help is needed to set up the parade and to clean up after the event. Call Maria Pena at (818) 897-8485.
