
Arianna Huffington: Saint or Sinner?

Thank you for Fred Dickey’s nuanced portrait of Arianna Huffington (“Provocative. Irritating. Charming. Arianna Huffington.” July 30). Huffington suffers the same criticism leveled at many women in the public realm who are intelligent, articulate and challenge the status quo. Without editorializing, Dickey’s article showed Huffington’s many sides. So far no other journalist has given her the benefit of the doubt. Saint? Sinner? Humanitarian? Opportunist? Let’s give her a chance.

Ellen Johnson

Phoenix, Ariz.


Huffington is nothing but a four-star phony whose claim to fame was marrying a three-star phony, Michael Huffington. She is not a true conservative, and until her then-husband won a congressional seat, no one had ever heard of her. I really don’t see why anyone should take her seriously.

Armand Vaquer



I find Huffington a colorful and interesting commentator on current events when I listen to her on KCRW-FM (89.9), read her op-ed pieces in The Times and watch her on television. I admire her ability to change her opinion and widen the scope of her interests. I agree that she serves society better when she is a free agent--free from political office and employers.


Lillian Goldstein

Via the Internet


My gut reaction to Huffington is revulsion. She is not American-born; I am. My family fought in the Civil War. My father fought in World War I. I have a vested interest in the welfare of my nation, which I dearly love with all its flaws. I have a built-in nonsense detector, and Huffington does not pass this detector. I believe that she is in love with personal power and glory at any cost and that she will do anything to achieve her ends without regard for this country or anyone in it. Her background precludes her from telling anyone in America what to do with their vote now or ever. She is a time waster.

Susanna Hahn Astin



When Huffington first appeared on the political scene, I found it easy to dismiss her as a rich reactionary toeing a very predictable right-wing party line. Imagine my astonishment to now find myself looking forward to her TV appearances, gleefully anticipating her sharp wit and intelligent commentary on a wide variety of social issues that cross party lines. Either she has changed or I have, because she is making good sense to me now.

Rev. Mario de Ferrari

Beverly Hills
