
Why Are Landlords So Rude?

I’m moving from the East to Los Angeles in six months. I’ve been researching apartment choices and never have I experienced such a horrifying display of incivility in my life. Clearly the people I’ve dealt with do not want to actually rent out their apartments.

Logically, the first things I want to know are “How much is the rent?” and “What is the square footage?” Most owners and managers I spoke with could not answer the latter.

If I pressed for another minute piece of information (“Do you have air-conditioning?”), they became indignant, as though I was intruding or had an ulterior motive for asking.


This has occurred more with independently owned apartments, and it appears the owners have not been schooled in customer service.

Finding an affordable home in a low-crime area is stressful enough. I hardly need attitude from the ones who are literally holding the key to my comfort and happiness.


Raleigh, N.C.
