
Asian Viewpoints

* Re “Group Seeks to Boost Profile of Asian American Voters,” Aug. 22: I am a Chinese American and am disturbed by the goals of the 80-20 Initiative group. The basic premise of the group is that the Asian American voters are a mindless lot whose votes can be delivered as a block by these self-appointed “leaders.”

It is height of arrogance for the group to think they know what’s best for Asians. Was it beneficial for Asians when one of the 80-20 members, ex-UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien, upheld a quota system that denied admission to many qualified Asian kids? There is no common “Asian” viewpoint, and for this group to claim to represent one is dishonest. The point of the 80-20 group is to further the careers of Asian politicians. More power to them, but I don’t believe just because someone is named Chen or Honda that person necessarily represents my view and interest.

There is too much racial politics in America. I choose not to be part of the race card that they want to play.



