
Why Isn’t Board Minding the Store?

* Re “El Toro Lease Vote Delayed by Lack of Inspection,” Aug. 16:

After two years and millions of dollars wasted, we now learn that no one bothered to conduct necessary environmental studies.

I must commend Supervisor Chuck Smith and company for accomplishing a feat that just a few years ago seemed utterly impossible. They have made the bankruptcy-era board look like the model of government efficiency and integrity. And most amazing, I’m sure they haven’t hit bottom yet.


Lake Forest

* The Orange County Board of Supervisors’ stating that they are just now becoming aware of the huge environmental risks of El Toro is an atrocity.


I have personally attended several board meetings where numerous speakers cautioned the board to consider the levels of contamination at the base. Gail Reavis and Marcia Rudolph have presented this concern to the board in numerous very outspoken sessions. Rudolph is also a member of the Restoration Advisory Board, which was commissioned to address the base cleanup requirements. The RAB committee is required by the government’s own base closure law.

The Environmental Protection Agency, the Navy and local citizens are all on this board. RAB has uncovered some very serious toxicity issues and has been very vocal about it to the board. The board is fully aware of RAB’s activities and concerns. The board’s denying any knowledge of the environmental mess and potential liabilities at the base is just another indicator of the totally inept, ignorant, arrogant airport-at-any-cost planning that the county has wasted $40 million on.


Lake Forest

* If the county spent $9 million on a company that specializes in writing environmental impact reports, why couldn’t one of these guys have had the brains to do the flight paths intersecting with LAX and Ontario before we spent another $38 million? Who’s accountable here, and how can they continue spending more for this misinformation?


If the Federal Aviation Administration news about the dangers of El Toro is a surprise to them, how can we trust their judgment?


