
Salvation Army to Hold Awards Dinner

The Salvation Army in Ventura will honor its supporters at a dinner and silent auction Sept. 16 at the Canyon Campus of Ventura Missionary Church, 500 Highpoint Drive.

Ventura County Sheriff Bob Brooks will deliver the keynote address for the group’s “Celebration of Sharing and Caring” dinner.

Salvation Army lieutenants Keith and Bobbie Solts will report on services provided last year in Ventura, Santa Paula, Fillmore and Ojai.


Jymmye Hitch-Banhart, a longtime member of the group’s advisory board who recently moved to Northern California, will receive the Others Award for her years of service. Media of the Year award will go to KDAR-FM (98.3) radio station. Local service clubs, churches and businesses that have contributed to the success of the Salvation Army will also be honored.

The Salvation Army arrived in Ventura more than a century ago. Services include a transitional living center for homeless families and single women, a social services office, free lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays, help for low-income families having trouble paying utility bills and prescriptions, clothing vouchers and a food pantry.

Tickets for the dinner, which will begin at 5:30 p.m., are $20. To contribute items for the silent auction, call before Sept. 8.


For more information, call 659-3598.
