
Ahmanson Web Site Dispute

* Re “Ahmanson and Foes Battle Over Web Sites,” Aug. 23.

Washington Mutual’s draconian efforts to stifle the free speech rights of the opponents to their Ahmanson Ranch city is repulsive to me.

Washington Mutual has to be feeling threatened that the people will become aware of the massive destruction to the environment wildlife, air quality, water supply, overpopulation of schools, absolute gridlock on the freeways and the many other negatives that this mega-city will cause. No wonder they will try any underhanded methods to keep the information from being circulated to the residents of Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

We the people should become incensed with the underhanded tactics and lies that this behemoth corporation is trying to present as truths! Their application for the domain names www. and is a clear indication of what lengths this corporation will lower itself to, so it may enhance its bottom line.


The truth is that the only one to benefit from this rape of pristine land is Washington Mutual.

It is time for us to make a stand against this development so that future generations will be able to enjoy Ahmanson Ranch in its natural state. We do not have to buckle under to Washington Mutual’s attempt to further degrade the quality of our lives. Contact your federal, state and local officials and demand that this deception stop immediately and that a new environmental impact report be required before proceeding any further with this project.


Westlake Village
