
Chromium 6 in Drinking Water

* Re “Hayden Urges Faster Action on Health Threat,” Aug. 22.

I am amazed at the Department of Health Services’ statement that any action to reduce the amount of chromium 6 in Los Angeles’ drinking water would be economically devastating.

Devastating to whom? To the Los Angeles citizens who will suffer miscarriages and stillbirths, multiple tumors, deaths and the rest of the horrible list of conditions known to be caused by traces of chromium 6.

If Department of Health Services feels it needs more test data, it should look at what PG&E; [Pacific Gas & Electric Co.] did to the people of the town of Hinkley in San Bernardino County. The popular movie, “Erin Brockovich” is about the PG&E; / Hinkley case.


It is ironic that the spineless bureaucrats of the Department of Health Services are only concerned with protecting the health of the (unnamed) corporations poisoning Los Angeles’ water, and have no interest in the health of the millions of people who drink that water.


Woodland Hills
