
Not in the Real World

* I was speechless at how you overplayed the so-called plight of Mark Olsen [“Burdened by Student Loans, He Weighs Career, Financial Trade-Offs,” Money Make-Over, Aug. 8].

You tried to make readers believe that this fellow was in a sorry state of financial affairs. His audacity in stating “Then you join the real world and realize you have to struggle like everyone else” was a masterpiece proclamation.

Earning $71,000 a year, hiring a maid service, eating all meals out every day, having $44,000 in liquid assets, being able to contribute 17% of one’s income to a 401(k) and still contribute an additional $2,000 to an IRA is not financial impoverishment.


I doubt he comprehends what it is like “to struggle like everyone else,” since he earns and has saved more than most.

Yes, he has dispensed of the maid and the everyday buffet. However, he had the financial ability to support himself with these luxuries while contributing a maximum to his 401(k) and IRA and complaining about not being able to buy a house.

We have people here making $15,000 a year supporting children and still having the willpower and savvy to buy a house. Mr. Olsen, not everyone can live in the Palisades.


If this single, no-dependents, no-mortgage fellow with a USC master’s degree is having trouble on $71,000 a year plus assets, then his problems are in his head.


Thousand Oaks


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