

Local officials are optimistic that a new ice skating rink can survive in the city, even with the Irvine Ice Arena’s impending sale and closure at the end of the month.

But as the City Council searches for land to house a new complex, those who want a rink say they are still weighing how deeply involved the city should get in a private enterprise.

“The real question is, can there be a blend of public involvement and private enterprise to meet the needs of the community? And I think there can be,” Councilman Larry Agran said.


Owners of the ice arena fell behind in their $24,000-per-month rent, and the property was sold to the fast-growing University Synagogue, which plans to build a temple there.

After the rink’s owners unsuccessfully petitioned the city to rezone the site to prevent religious uses, the City Council agreed last month to work with local agencies to help find affordable property that could be developed into another ice arena.
