
Consumer Protection

* Thanks to Kenneth Reich (Aug. 17) we see that a cowardly committee in the Legislature shot down two pro-consumer bills, whose need had been more than adequately described in The Times. The Banking and Finance Committee headed by Lou Papan killed both of them.

The first, by Sen. Don Perata, would have put some controls on the now legal loan-sharking “payday” industry. It did not even get a second. The second bill, by Sen. Debra Bowen, would have offered some protection against identity theft. It died on a vote of 2-1, with eight needed to pass. In each case all five Republicans and the rest of the Democrats abstained and Gov. Gray Davis was nowhere to be heard.

In each case, the payday and banking industries opposed these measures. Since this is a “juice committee,” that is lobbyists contribute heavily to the members, it is not so mysterious. This is why a truly strong clean-money election finance law is so urgently needed.



Sherman Oaks
