
Oltmans, R.D. Olson to Begin Perris Project

Oltmans Construction Co. of Whittier and Irvine-based R.D. Olson Construction plan to break ground today on a 14,000-square-foot Perris community education center to be built with donated labor and materials from their companies as well as from hundreds of suppliers and sub-contractors. The two builders will construct the $3.7-million project, to be completed in December, as part of Olive Crest Inland Community Children’s Ranch, a residential and educational center for abused and abandoned children on a 10-acre site designed by Arthur Danielian of Irvine-based Danielian & Associates. Oltmans and Olson are developing the educational center in partnership with HomeAid Riverside, a chapter of the Costa Mesa-based HomeAid America organization founded by the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California to shelter the temporarily homeless of all ages. The Children’s Ranch includes four seven-bedroom homes that HomeAid built in May in partnership with Beazer Homes, William Lyon Homes, Forecast Homes and Richmond American Homes.
