
Progressive Mizrahim

* Re “Rabbi’s Remarks Outrage Jews and Arabs,” Aug. 7:

Israel’s Shas Party doesn’t represent all Sephardim/Mizrahim (Middle Eastern Jews). There are, in fact, numerous progressive Mizrahi organizations working for peace, and many Sephardim/Mizrahim have positive relationships with Palestinians. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and his followers do not represent all Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews, either in Israel or in the U.S. We do not all consider Arabs our natural sworn enemies; we do not all believe in reincarnation; and many of us are university-trained professionals who are outspoken about the need for political, economic and cultural cooperation among all Middle Easterners, regardless of religion.


New Assn. of Sephardi/Mizrahi Artists & Writers Int’l, L.A.
