
In the bag

When they arrive, delegates receive a canvas bag of items welcoming them and inviting them to start spending:

A collapsible water bottle from 7+Fig.

Sunscreen from Tenet HealthSystem.

A bag of Peanut M&Ms; in a United Parcel Service next day air box.

A pillow from Hilton Hotels.

A T-shirt--”America’s Historic e-Convention”--from

Discount card from 7+Fig, free pass to the Laugh Factory comedy club, Universal Studios discount, AT&T; card for 30 minutes of phone calls, convention visitors guide, rail and bus maps, postcards with black-and-white photographs by Marissa Roth from the current Los Angeles Central Library exhibit, brochure on California’s anti-smoking law (with the number to report violations).


Compiled by MASSIE RITSCH / Los Angeles Times
