
Powerful Opinions on Energy Crunch

* Re “Big Users Cut Power So Region Keeps Its Cool,” Aug. 3:

On a day when government officials are asked to curtail energy use, and institutions of higher learning close their doors or consolidate classrooms to save power, Disneyland keeps all its power-hungry rides in operation.

Management at Disneyland shows its true colors by not helping out in a crisis. Their bottom line is more important than civic responsibility. Kudos to Knott’s for at least shutting down some of their rides.



* Just when we need it the most, we are supposed to curtail air-conditioning usage?

All that will do is let the bungling government planners, regulators and environmental wackos off the hook.


What we ought to do is turn down the thermostats and bring the system to its knees!

How did we get to this point? It is not due to shortage of energy. If more capacity is required, I am willing to pay for it. Do we live in a market or planned economy? Shortages are not unusual in “planned” economies.

It is time for the majority of citizens to shed their silence and take to task those responsible for this shortsighted planning.


