
Stagecoach Museum Seeks Volunteers

The Stagecoach Inn Museum is seeking volunteers interested in learning about the history of the Conejo Valley and possibly becoming museum docents.

Training includes information on early cultures and lectures by experts on the Chumash and the pioneers.

Upon completion of the course, students are invited to act as docents for the museum. Docents lead tours, help with the museum’s elementary school program or work in its store for two three-hour shifts each month.


The first of seven sessions meets Sept. 7 at 9:30 a.m. There is a $15 fee to cover the cost of the handbook. Membership in the Conejo Valley Historical Society--$20 for adults and $15 for youths and seniors--also is required.

For additional information or to enroll, contact Sandra Hildebrandt at 498-9441.
