
Summer Is Crime Season, Officials Say

Resident seeking relief from the heat often open the window to property crimes, according to the Ventura and Los Angeles county sheriff’s departments.

More reports on property theft are filed at this time of year than other seasons, said deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lost Hills Station. Open windows are almost like invitations for crimes of opportunity, they said.

Although he couldn’t provide statistics, Lt. Ken Fowler said he has seen a significant increase in the number of petty thefts reported since June.


“On average in July, we file about 1,500 reports, and most of them are property crimes,” Fowler said.

Fowler said cellular phone theft and residential burglaries are two avoidable crimes that increase in the summer.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department receives as many as three calls a day regarding stolen cell phones, according to reports. Most of them were taken from unlocked cars.
