
New Cathedral

In his Sept. 19 column on the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Al Martinez cites ex-nuns, ex-seminarians and ex-Catholics. May I suggest Martinez “ex” himself out of this discussion until he deals with the personal issues and perceived need for retribution that seem to plague his nonrelationship with the Catholic Church?

Using his column in The Times for a self-indulgent attack on an institution that he feels slighted him when he was 12 years old is, at best, unprofessional. Indeed, I would not tolerate this type of behavior and attitude from my own soon-to-be 12-year-old son.


North Hollywood


Martinez’s good-humored insight into God’s new home in L.A. hit the nail on the head. How could Cardinal Roger Mahony initially nominate the much-married Rupert Murdoch for papal knighthood and then accept his $10 million toward construction of the new cathedral, when, just last week, statesmen like U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) awarded Murdoch’s Fox channel the Silver Sewer Award?


Perhaps the priest of Martinez’s childhood predicted correctly when he told him he was going to hell and it turned out to be L.A. Mahony needs to render to Murdoch the things that are Murdoch’s and to God. . . .


Palos Verdes Estates
