
Bill Bradley

Re “Bradley Record: Tangled Trail of ‘Solo Operator,’ ” Sept. 12: As a Bill Bradley supporter I would be interested to see The Times explore Al Gore’s comparable legislative record in the years he and Bradley served in the Senate together. Is there a single piece of major legislation for which Al Gore was largely responsible? Do any compare to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 or to Bradley’s ongoing leadership in expanding Medicaid benefits for poor women and children in the 1980s?

Bradley’s support comes from more than anti-Clinton angst. There are a lot of us out here who would have supported Bradley for president back in 1988 had we had the chance. Bradley is a Lincolnesque figure whose conscience, intellect and backbone set him apart in public life.

Voters in time will compare apples and apples, and when they do, Bradley will prevail. Only five years ago Gov. George W. Bush was a partner in a football team; Al Gore, God bless him, is a good man and has been an honorable and active vice president. Yet I feel deep in my bones that it is Bradley’s moment in history.



Laguna Beach


Ronald Brownstein’s analysis of Bradley’s record is a bit disingenuous. It is not difficult to imagine reasons other than “inscrutable disengagement” for a prominent Democrat in favor of quality health care to have been unenthusiastic or even unsupportive of the Clinton health care program, while not finding it necessary or prudent to attack the program or the president.


Woodland Hills


Gore is experiencing the consequences of his attachment to Bill Clinton, and Democrats better wake up to the fact that he cannot beat Bush in the general election. Bradley critics may cite inconsistencies in his Senate record, but no one can lay a glove on his personal integrity. People and issues evolve. Should we be seeking a leader whose viewpoint has never changed?


