
New Cathedral

* I would like to respond to the three letters (Sept. 9) relating to Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and the new Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Cathedral. The new cathedral is appropriate because the former cathedral was heavily damaged by earthquakes. This old structure no longer was able to adequately accommodate the many Catholic ceremonies as well as the growing numbers of the faithful who would attend these religious functions throughout the year. Because we Catholics are willing to sacrifice and to give to the church, we are willing also to be inspired by the actual building of the new cathedral. This is, after all, the mother church in our archdiocese.

No other church or organized institution on Earth gives more or does more for our fellow brothers and sisters who happen to suffer from poverty than the Roman Catholic Church! We Catholics are inspired by Cardinal Mahony and his willingness to call us to even greater service. The new cathedral will inspire and encourage the faithful to do even more for those among us who are truly hurting.


