
Forget the Paints--Reading Is the Best Way to Occupy Kids

I don’t think much of Mary Lyon’s suggestions for how to keep children occupied so that Mom can get some work done at home (“Help With Your Juggling Act,” Sept. 6). Giving kids paints or Play-Doh in the bathtub would make a huge mess--who’s going to clean it up later? And shredding grocery bags to make leaf piles in the house wouldn’t have kept my kids occupied for more than 30 seconds.

My recommendation? Make regular pilgrimages with your kids to the library and bookstore. My two children grew up believing new books were a treat; they became excellent readers and still read for pleasure. Plus, I got hours of free time while they were young.

There’s a catch to this, however. If you want your kids to believe reading is a pleasure, you must show them by example. So do it! Put down the Palm Pilot and the telephone, and pick up a book. It will add a valuable timeout to your busy day, and provide lasting benefits to you and your children.



Los Angeles
