
For Some, Dolores Huerta Is the Jackie Robinson of Public Service

As a Mexican American, I found James Rainey’s article on Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America, most refreshing (“Never Say Die,” Aug. 15). To me, Huerta is the Jackie Robinson of public service, making history with her quiet dignity and her persistence, which causes closed doors to open. I wish her continued success for the sake of all Latinos.

Clarence E. D. Santos



Just what we need--another glorified person who doesn’t care about her children. How about featuring a great mother or father who are taking care of the best gift they ever got from God: kids. Huerta should not be praised for ignoring her children (who did not ask to be born to her) and pursuing another interest.

Jane Saeman

Laguna Niguel


I don’t consider someone who has given so much of herself to such a noble cause as the UFW an “absentee mother.” It’s sad that she’s compared to those who leave their children all day to work at meaningless jobs in order to buy status symbols--sport-utility vehicles and the like--to impress their neighbors and friends. Huerta gave far more to her children by setting a good example of how to be an involved and active citizen.


Peggy Cordero

Santa Ana
